Guide to Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer in Pasadena, CA
GBG Law is a personal injury boutique law firm focused on helping injured people receive compensation for physical and emotional injuries. At GBG, you are a human being with a story, not a case number for our files. Our mission is to take care of our clients’ legal needs and give them a peace of mind. Our team of personal injury attorneys & lawyers won’t rest until you get the settlement you deserve. We make your fight, our fight.

What is a Personal Injury Lawyer?
A personal injury lawyer is a lawyer who provides legal services to those who have been injured, as a result of negligence from another person, company, government agency or any entity. Personal injury cases arise when a person suffers harm or injury, either physical and/or emotional, at the fault of someone else for their acts, or failure to act.

Why do you need a Personal Injury Lawyer?
If you have been injured in an accident at the fault of another person, it can unexpeditily change your life in more ways than you think. Not only can your own personal life be altered from an accident, but also your family and loved ones. When searching for the proper personal injury lawyer, be sure to first look for lawyers who not only have experience, but concentrate their practice solely on personal injury law.

How can a Personal Injury Lawyer help you?
A personal injury lawyer will protect your rights and help to navigate the legal process on your behalf. They will assist you in receiving the most fair and adequate compensation you are entitled to.

How to get started with a Personal Injury Lawyer
At Law GBG, our initial consultations are free of charge. You are under no obligation to retain our services after meeting with us. For a no-obligation, free consultation with an experienced attorney at Law GBG Injury Attorneys, contact our office.

What does it cost to hire a personal injury attorney?
At Law GBG, we take cases on a contingency fee basis. This means that we don’t get paid unless we get a settlement for you. If your case does not have a winning outcome, your GBG lawyer will not collect any attorney fees.

Frequently Asked Questions
We know that the process of finding a personal injury lawyer can be overwhelming. At Law GBG, we are here to answer your questions about personal injury law and guide you every step of the way!

How To Prepare For Your Free Consultation
Sign up here to receive this free guide to give you all of the tools and information you need to feel fully prepared to meet with a personal injury attorney.

Contact Us
766 E Colorado Blvd. Ste. 104
Pasadena, CA 91101
United States